How AB Crentsil made members of the Christian Council argue over his song ‘Moses’


In what was made to entertain music lovers, got some members of the Christian Council of Ghana to debate over the lyrics of his hit song ‘Moses’.

‘Moses’ a highlife song composed by the legendary highlife musician Alfred Benjamin [AB] Crentsil, has so much ‘wordplay’.

The musician used the Biblical story of how Moses led the Israelites to turn their back on Pharaoh and crossed the red sea with the ‘magic’ of his stick in Exodus 14:21.

The song starts by motivating the broken-hearted by deep down in the song, AB Crentsil vividly described sex between a man and a woman with the illustrations in the Bible.

Speaking about whether or not the song was banned at some point in Ghana, AB Crentsil, who was being celebrated on UTV’s United disclosed that, he cannot remember any institution issuing a statement to ban the song but what he could remember is, he once chanced upon some members of the Christian Council debating on the Biblical lyrics of the song.

“I went out one day and saw some radio boxes stationed at some public places with about twenty individuals gathered around the radio box. Not knowing those who have gathered were members of the Christian Council of Ghana. They were arguing over this song,” AB Crentsil narrated.

He said, the Christian Council members were heard saying ‘the man, he can’t do these things…’

“So, I approached and asked what was going on and I was told it about the lyrics of the Moses. I screamed and sneaked out of their midst because of their number, if they decide to ask me any questions, I cannot explain myself.

“The way I composed the song, it wasn’t meant to tarnish anybody’s image. I composed the song just to entertain people. The ban of the song, I didn’t see or hear anyone or institution issuing a statement to ban the song but it was the radio stations that decided not to play the song,” AB Crentsil said whilst answering who banned the song.

The legendary highlife musician was categorical that, some people pretend in public not to like the song but in their closet, they play and enjoy the song.

AB Crentsil recounted a scenario where a pastor who had come to his neighbourhood to organize a crusade but had fewer numbers decided to compare the demeanour of his congregation to his [AB Crentsil] audience at an auditorium.

“The pastor mounted the stage and said if AB Crentsil was the one performing his song Moses, this place would have been full…the pastor’s comment kept me thinking…,” he stressed.


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