Lady Convinces Her Mother To Join Her Beg Barrack Obama For 500k Dollars Because They Are Poor (+VIDEO) » ™


A beautiful young lady has taken to social media to share a funny video of how she convinced her mother into begging for money from the former President of the USA Barrack Obama.

According to the lady, she and her family are poor and needy and therefore are pleading with Barrack Obama to donate some money to them.

The lady’s mother who was standing behind her agreed to everything she said. When the lady said her mother was an ex-convinct and a poor widow, she just stood there and nodded just to convince ‘Barack Obama’ to give them 500,000 Dollars.

Watch the funny video below;

vanessa nordzi

Writing is the painting of the voice. The desire is to write until it becomes as natural as breathing. Fitting in is so boring so why not stand out?

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