My Mind Dey For You- Delay Tells King Promise As He Reveals He Would Spill Some Secrets On Her Show


King Promise is clearly not happy with a lot of things concerning the creative arts in the industry and even though he failed to hit the nail on the hammer and mention the names of some artists, he simply made it known that the industry is full of fakers.

King Promise revealed that heads will roll the day he decides to go on the Delay show and have an in-depth discussion about the industry.

Delay reacted to the message by King Promise and made it known that she has the back of King Promise and her doors are always open for an interview anytime he sees fit.

King Promise Tweeted: Ghana music & our music industry… a lot to say lol… One day me & Delay or someone dope are gonna have an in-depth convo. some will like me and some won’t after …

The day Killbeatz will grant an interview talking about our industry will be a day to remember forever. I await that day lol

so much fuckery amidst so much love lol…

See screenshot:

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sparked some reactions from netizens who saw the post and expressed their eagerness to finally see what King Promise has to say to them. Below are some comments.

bobby_himself: Please this week ooo😂🔥🔥🔥

ewurama_coleman: We can’t waittttt😍❤️

esi_tweneboah: We are ready oh

cedislmusic: 😂😂❤️😂❤️❤️

yesghanaonline: Can’t wait 😂🙌❤️

antwiwaa85: No Maa mu nyinaa )k)de3👏👏👏

niinoinarh: 😂😂😂

dor_jn: Vaulence 😂😂😂😂😂



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