Runner in brain costume attempting marathon world record


Sept. 14 (UPI) — A British runner is aiming to break a Guinness World Record by completing the London Marathon while dressed as a human brain.

Bryce Alford, fundraising manager for brain injury charity Headway, has been repeatedly spotted in recent days running on the streets of Jersey, England, while dressed in a full-body brain costume.

Officers with the St. Helier Township Policing Unit posed for a photo with Alford, in full brain regalia, when they encountered him training on Tuesday for the Oct. 3 London Marathon.

Alford is attempting to break the Guinness record for fastest marathon dressed as a brain. He previously set a Guinness record in 2003 for fastest 100 kilometers (62.1 miles) on a treadmill.

He said the costume is designed as a representation of what people with brain injuries feel like.

“What I hear over and over again is that people feel they are trapped inside their own brain, so when you get to see me inside the costume you’ll absolutely see what that might feel like, if you can imagine that pressure, and what it would feel like to live every day,” he told ITV News.


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