TUC-UNIWA Holds Covid-19 Forum –


Dr. Anthony Yaw Baah (left) and Dr. Dominic Nartey at the event

The Union of Informal Workers Associations (UNIWA) under the Trades Union Congress (TUC) has held a forum for informal economy members on Covid-19 vaccination and recovery, in Accra.

The day’s forum, sponsored by the Danish Trade Union Development Agency (DTDA), sensitized the UNIWA members, made up of over 20 associations, on the need to avail themselves for the Covid-19 vaccination to protect themselves and their families.

Secretary General of the TUC, Dr. Anthony Yaw Baah, in his opening remarks said since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, the TUC has continuously championed worker friendly policies which are key towards recovery and resilience.

He said the TUC has thus worked towards a people centered approach in its sensitization on the need for vaccination, collective agreement for better recovery, promotion of health and safety at work places and social protection.

He, however, noted that mixed views on the need for Covid-19 vaccination, partly due to lack of the right information, has hindered the needed vaccination uptake by the public, hence the forum.

“The purpose of today’s forum is to better educate you on Covid-19 and the importance of taking the vaccination, so you can take the vaccine and also be ambassadors,” he said.

Dr. Baah said the exercise will be held throughout the week for different groups in other parts of the country.

Dr. Dominic Nartey from the Ministry of Health (MoH) took participants through the symptoms of Covid-19 and methods that one can use to prevent the transmission of the virus.

The participants at the event

He said one of the proven ways to reduce severe illness from Covid-19 was through vaccination which he indicated gives one immunity from the adverse effects of Covid-19.

“The vaccine is to protect you from the virus but even when you get infected you will not be severely sick,” he said.

He further explained the vaccination process and dispelled the misinformation some anti-vaccination campaigners have used to discourage the public from getting vaccinated.

“The vaccine does not affect child birth, it is not meant to kill us and it is not the mark of the 666; it is to protect us from the virus and ensure that we have community immunity,” he said.

Dr. Nartey thus urged the participants to go for the vaccination adding that any adverse effect should be reported to any government health facility for management.

By Jamila Akweley Okertchiri


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