2,765 girls drop out of school due to COVID-19



A research conducted by Songtaba Organisation in partnership with Vibrant Village Foundation has revealed that about 2,765 girls dropped out of school as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Northern Region.

The research, which was conducted from May to August this year, indicated that about 1,577 school drop-out cases were recorded at the primary level and 1,188 were recorded in Junior High Schools.

Mohammed Amidu Alhassan, Senior Programmes Officer at Songataba Organisation, disclosed this during a data validation meeting in Tamale.

He said the study sought to identify statistics of girls that dropped out of school due to COVID-19, and established specific situations on why they could not return to school after the COVID-19 break as well as plan on the necessary support to get them back to school.

Mr Alhassan gave a breakdown of the cases and stated that the highest number of cases were recorded in Zabzugu with 503, Saboba 446, and Kpandai 125 cases.

He said the research identified some areas of policy gaps for advocacy as part of initiatives to promote universal access to education for all, especially girls in Ghana, while breaking barriers and stereotypes in education.

Madam Lamnatu Adam, Executive Director of Songtaba Organisation, called on Civil Society Organisations to collaborate with other stakeholders in the education sector to join forces to initiate measures to deepen the sensitisation of community authorities on the need to prioritise girls’ education in their areas.

She called on government and other stakeholders to establish more skill training institutions in communities to help train young girls in various self-employable opportunities to improve on their livelihoods.


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