Here’s how Akrobeto reacted to misleading Ghana’s 2nd place global ranking in watching porn


Akrobeto says Ghanaians should bow their heads in shame over the rankingsAkrobeto says Ghanaians should bow their heads in shame over the rankings

• A misleading report said Ghana was ranked 2nd in the world ranking for countries that watch porn

• Factcheck organization, Dubawa, has said it is a misleading report

• Actor, Akrobeto, has reacted to the report

A few days ago, a report on the ranking of the world’s viewership of porn on adult content site, PornHub, placed Ghana at number two, only next to Nigeria.

Since then, many have been reacting to how it is that Ghana, touted as a highly religious country, with Christians and Muslims forming the majority of the population, could surprisingly be placed so high up such a world ranking.

But this report has been squashed by a fact-checking organization, Dubawa.

In a fact-check report, Dubawa said that the chart used in the stories that have since gone viral is indeed from the Pornhub website but has been misrepresented.

Dubawa said that this chart was published on March 8, 2019, in a post titled “Big Beautiful Women.”

It added that as indicated on the chart, it only reflects the search that is made for a particular kind of content on the website; a category of content that has been classified as ‘Big Beautiful Women.’

Dubawa concluded that this report is misleading.

But all the same, Kumawood actor and presenter, Akwasi Boadi, popularly known as Akrobeto has taken his turn to comment on the report, wondering how that can be.

Speaking on his ‘The Real News’ program on UTV, he explained that if the country touts itself as a religious country and such a report is made about it, then we are all just deceiving ourselves in our faiths.

“Ghana claims to be a Christian nation and followed by Muslims. Muslims don’t encourage fornication; Christians don’t encourage fornication. So, who are those watching it? We have been embarrassed.

“We are deceiving ourselves. When we die, we will stand before God in judgment,” he spoke in Twi.

Watch him speaking about it in this tweet:


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