Address us by our names, not our conditions


Persons Living with Disabilities (PWDs) should be addressed by their names not conditions.

Mrs Mawuse Yakor-Hamidu, a Volunteer Finance and Administrative Officer, Ghana Association of Persons with Albinism, said it was derogatory for people to refer to PWDs by their conditions, because it was leading to stigma and discrimination.

She said persons living with albinism, persons who were visually impaired, persons who had hearing impairment, were mentally ill, physically challenged, and people with special needs must be addressed by their names just as others, and not their conditions.

Mrs Yakor-Hamidu made the call at a stakeholders’ meeting organised by Hope for Future Generations (HFFG) to discuss and develop positive language for Persons Living With Disabilities, including mental health.

The development of positive language could be used to engage the public towards reduction in negative and discriminatory attitudes, behaviours and norms faced by people with disabilities in Ghana, including people with mental health disabilities.

She said, “Everyone was given a name at birth and so we would want to be called by our names, but in instances where the name of the person is not known then it is appropriate to refer to such person by saying ‘brother or sister’ just as it’s done for people without conditions.”

Mrs Yakor-Hamidu said that would renew the mindset of the public on PWDs, saying, “We are first of all humans irrespective of our conditions”.

“Someone like me if you call me by my condition, you have messed up my day because albinism comes with psychological issues…people think you are different from them.

“So, when you are trying to belong and people call you by a name which reminds you that you are different, it is disheartening and does not help us at all,” she said.

Mrs Yakor-Hamidu said though persons living with albinism were blacks born in “white skin”, it did not make them less of a human and asked that the discrimination and stigma be stopped.

She advised Persons Living With Disabilities to be agents of change themselves by remaining positive in all endeavours.


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