Rapper Strongman has emphatically stated that he does not engage himself in beef which is not beneficial to his career.
“I always consider two things before getting involved in any beef. The first is, it should settle any differences I have with the other musician. I believe that is the best time to settle such issues.”
He went on to say, the second instance will be only if it will push his career to the next level. “If it wouldn’t push me to the next level, I don’t see the need to entertain you when I have no issues with you.”
Using himself and Medikal’s beef as an example, he stated, “That beef was beneficial to me and that is why I went on with it.”
The rapper emphasized that day in day out, he has the opportunity to engage in a lot of beef but he sees them as pointless, thus his reason for not entertaining every beef.
Responding to what people say about some beef helping musicians to push themselves and their projects, he said,
“Sometimes it’s necessary because it gives us the attention, we need to promote whatever it is we’re working on and bringing out”, Strongman told Foster Romanus on e.TV Ghana’s Late Nite Celebrity Show.