Toddler found safe after surviving 3 days in Australian bush


Sept. 6 (UPI) — A 3-year-old boy who went missing in the Australian bush for three days has been found and safely returned to his family, police said Monday.

Anthony Elfalak was rescued after he was spotting drinking water from a creek bed several miles from his home in the Australian state of New South Wales, authorities said in an update.

The toddler — who is autistic and non-verbal — survived despite the area’s steep terrain and dense forests.

Anthony was found in what paramedics called “remarkable” condition — his only injuries appeared to be diaper rash and ant bites,

NSW Police received a phone call around mid-day Friday that the boy had gone missing from his family’s home in Putty, Australia.

State Emergency Service, Rural Fire Service, NSW Ambulance and the Volunteer Rescue Association joined together with hundreds of emergency service volunteers to locate him.

He was seen kneeling in a riverbed drinking handfuls of water around 11:30 a.m. local time on Monday.

Hunter Valley Police District Commander Tracy Chapman said being near the water helped him survive.


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