Kumerican drill acts have proved that you don’t need to move to Accra to make it – Strongman


Ghanaian rapper and lyricists StrongmanGhanaian rapper and lyricists Strongman

There’s this erroneous perception that Kumasi people don’t support talent which is echoed by the musicians in the capital of the Ashanti region.

Arguably, the reason why Okyeame Kwame moved to Accra at the peak of his career, but it seems Strongman thinks otherwise.

As such Strongman has urged people to let go of the perception that greener pastures can only be found when one moves to Accra.

According to him, “There was a time that when you even mention that you’re from Kumasi, people laugh at you,” therefore, if the Kumerican boys, through unity and hard work, have been able to push themselves to get to this level, then we need to support them and be happy about where they’ve gotten to.

He admitted that a lot of them (rappers) set out to achieve or push this agenda whereby Kumasi has a name so big that no musician is shy to say they come from Kumasi but since they could not, he is happy that the Kumerican boys have been able to do it on their behalf.

“Now, when you say you’re from Kumerica, there’s nothing to be shy of because everybody knows and likes the Kumericans and we are all proud to say we come from Kumasi,” Strongman confessed.

Strongman, therefore, advised that one does not necessarily need to move to Accra to make their life better because like the elders say, the cashew nut tastes the same no matter where you chew it.


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