Most illegal weapons are locally produced


Adam Bonaa is a security analystAdam Bonaa is a security analyst

A security analyst, Adam Bonaa says the kind of violent crimes in the country points directly to illicit fire arms in the hands of young people who have no duty in carrying such weapons.

He said nine out of ten violent crimes are committed by the use of fire arms adding that, there are about 5 million small arms and light weapons in the country which have not been registered with the appropriate authorities.

He explained that, the recent increase in armed robbery cases in the country comes as no surprise to him due to the failure of the police and the national security to undertake vigorous research on the number of illicit fire arms within the country.

Mr. Bonaa’s views come in the wake of recent sporadic shootings and the rise in armed robbery cases in the country.

Last week, a 27-year-old young lady at Nima, died from a stray bullet wound while a nine-year-old boy was hit in the head at Senya Bereku after a stray bullet from some people performing a traditional activity, killing him on the spot.

In an interview monitored by ATL FM NEWS, Mr. Bonaa said most of the illegally acquired weapons are produced in this country.

“Most of the weapons that are illegally acquired are produced in this country and you can find them and burn them and the next day they produce one hundred pieces of a similar type. So is almost like fighting a losing battle.” He said

To him, the source of these fire arms must be identified and the resources properly monitored and controlled to avert the spate of the production of illicit firearms in the country.

Adam Bonaa also stated that the regulation governing small arms and light weapons must be strengthened with punitive measures put in place to deter people from owning such weapons.


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