Watch: Man bounces more than 10 miles on inflatable ball for Guinness World Record


Aug. 31 (UPI) — A British man bounced more than 10 miles on an inflatable ball to set a Guinness World Record and raise money for charity.

David Kay, of Blackpool, said he came up with the idea for his record-breaking journey on a “space hopper,” an inflatable ball that allows a rider to bounce in the sitting position, while brainstorming plans for Trinity Hospice and Palliative Care Services fundraisers.

Kay said he has originally intended to bounce a full 13 miles down the Fylde coast, but he decided to stop after 10 1/2 miles due to the number of space hoppers he popped along the way and the strain the 17-hour bouncing session was putting on his body.

Kay said he took care to follow Guinness rules, including having someone videoing him at all times. He said a member of his support team walked in front of him with a broom to keep potential hazards from popping his hoppers.

Trinity Hospice and Palliative Care Services said Kay surpassed his $13,750 fundraising goal.


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