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Funny Face’s baby mama, who Vanessa Nicole seems to be enjoying what the comedian is going through has been sighted in a video singing praises to her maker.
In the video uploaded on her Instagram page, Vanessa is seen dancing happily to Mercy Chinwo’s ‘I serve a living God’
It is clearly an indication that she’s not perturbed about what is going on in the life of Funny Face and the shots been thrown at her.
Funny Face in a recent video after his accident hurled insults at his baby mama.
From all indications, he has returned to his depression state which sent him to Psychiatric Hospital some time ago.
In one of his videos, he blasted the mother of his kids, Ama Vanessa with vulgar words.
“fear women, if you hear the latest news of what someone has done, it ok I am tired, I can’t continue and die. a btch will always be a btch and a whore will always be whore, fu*k it, kill me now”.
Video below;
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