Pastor Donates All Of Church’s Offering To Struggling Church Member (+PHOTOS) » ™


Volta Region’s most popular tele-evangelist and Founder cum General Overseer of the Hand Of God Church of All Nations (HOGCOAN) Apostle Victor Hunpkati  has shocked his church members and the general public with his generosity. 

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During his usual  Sunday church service,  he handed over all the offerings and tithes of that day’s service to a pastor who was struggling  financially nans was contemplating suicide.

The kind gesture of Apostle Victor won the hearts of many who showered priases on him for not abandoning the needy.

Although, the issue happened months ago, it is still fresh in the minds and hearts of many as netizens have lauded and applaud the head pastor of the fast-growing church of his benovelence and act of selflessness.

Checkout photos below;


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