Boy, 11, needs 5cm-long stick removed from scrotum after falling off tree


An 11-year-old boy was left with a 5cm-long stick hanging out of his scrotum after falling out of a tree. 

The youngster, from Makassar in Indonesia, lost his footing while climbing the two-metre trunk.

The unidentified boy fell on a branch, which doctors revealed pierced his genitalia and missed his testicles by millimetres. 

Medics gently prised the foreign object out and gave him antibiotics. He made a full recovery within a month. 


The 11-year-old boy lost his footing climbing a tree in Makassar, Indonesia, and fell on a tree stump. In the fall his scrotum was impaled on a stick (pictured) which missed his testicles by millimetres

Experts told MailOnline the boy was ‘fortunate’ the stick didn’t slam into his testicles or vital arteries, which could have led to life-changing injuries. 


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