Watch: Raw chicken ends up on Seattle airport’s baggage carousel


Aug. 31 (UPI) — The Transportation Security Administration shared video of the unappetizing situation that resulted when a block of raw chicken ended up on the baggage carousel at a Seattle airport.

The TSA said in an Instagram post that the chicken had apparently been in a cooler in checked baggage, but it had come free of its container at some point and ended up as a mass of raw meat on the baggage claim carousel at Seattle Tacoma International Airport.

“We hear at one time these wings and thighs were cooped up in a cooler. Somewhere between baggage and the carousel they became free range,” the post said.

The post said the unhygienic scene should serve as a reminder to ensure checked baggage, especially of the raw meat variety, is properly packaged.

“Don’t wing your travel packing. In order to keep from ruffling any feathers meat should be properly packaged. Ice or dry ice is permitted to keep the flock chilled,” the TSA said.


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