Zion Felix’s Girlfriend Activates IG Account For Unborn Son Hours After Minalyn Welcomed Her Daughter


It appears that the drama between the two women is about to start as the Italian girlfriend of blogger Zion Felix, Erica activates the Instagram account of her unborn son.

A few hours ago, it was announced that blogger Zion Felix and his first girlfriend Minalyn have welcomed a bouncy baby girl. An Instagram account has also been created for the newly born baby of Minalyn and Zion Felix.

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The page which was created not too long ago has the name Adepa and a description in the bio as “I am the light of the world. Blessed daughter of @zionfelixdotcom and @minalyntouch with about 1,225 followers in less than 12 hours.

The second girlfriend of Zion Felix is called Erica has also been rumored to be pregnant for the blogger. According to an identified source, a lady called Erica who is based in the Staes traveled down to Ghana got in touch with Zion Felix as a blogger to help her promote her gospel music and her brand as a musician.

However, one thing led to another and the two became intimate and has ended up with a pregnancy. A few hours after Minalyn welcomed her daughter and created an Instagram page for her, Erica also activated an Instagram page for her yet-to-be-born son with Zion Felix.

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Sources: www.ghgossip.com


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