Pastor reiterates need for balanced parenting and work


Reverend Samuel Anarfi, Secretary, Adentan Housing Down Area of the Christ Apostolic Church International (CACI), has reiterated the need for balanced parenting and work.

He urged parents to pay balanced attention to the nurturing of their children and the pursuit of economic activities for their daily bread.

He noted that it was not beneficial for parents to make money at the expense of their children, and bemoaned the sudden rise of heinous crimes among the youth.

Rev Anarfi was speaking at the climax of the Adentan Circuit event of the CACI National Prophetic Convention, hosted by the Adentan Central Assembly in Accra.

The biennial national event, was held at the Circuit Administrative level of the Church due to the COVID-19 pandemic on the theme: “Empowered by the Spirit to Reach Greater Heights”.

Citing the ongoing trial of two teenagers, who allegedly murdered an 11-year-old boy at Kasoa in the Central Region, Rev Anarfi called on parents not to sacrifice parental care on the altar of economic activities.

Quoting from the Bible, Rev Anarfi said anyone who did not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, had denied the faith and was worse than an unbeliever.

“However, in our efforts to work and feed our families, we must do our best to spend some quality time with the children and monitor them because they are our future”, he said.

Elder Daniel Kwame Ampofo Adjei, the Adentan Circuit Secretary, CACI, on his part, called for a collective effort at fighting the COVID-19 pandemic in Ghana.

“We are currently experiencing a third wave of the virus in Ghana, it is distressing to note, that: Ghana has just recorded over 1,000 deaths, we need to police each other and ensure strict adherence to the COVID-19 protocols if we are to win this battle,” he said.

Other principal speakers at the event included; Elder Emmanuel Abankwa, a Member of the National Executive Council of CACI, whereas, other Circuit Management members who officiated at the event were Elders Emmanuel Korda, Bernard Dankwah and Henry Boadi.


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