UNDP, GIJ, GSS partner to offer certificate courses on statistics reporting


Dr. Fosu says this program will help journalists better report on statistics and dataplay videoDr. Fosu says this program will help journalists better report on statistics and data

• Journalists will now be able to learn how to appropriately report on statistics

• The UNDP, GIJ and the GSS are in a partnership to offer certificates in this regard

• The courses will be available at the GIJ

A partnership between the United Nations Development Programme, the Ghana Institute of Journalism, and the Ghana Statistical Service will see to it that journalists are equipped enough to report accurately on data related stories.

The certificate course that will be available at GIJ is expected to provide the necessary training and guidance to such persons to enable them equally help inform the public in a much easier way.

This, according to the Dean of the Faculty of Integrated Communication Sciences at GIJ, Dr. Modestus Fosu, will make the process of data sharing and statistics dissemination better.

He explained that the world is today driven by data and there is the need that data is made available and in the right way.

“Now, if you think development, you must think information. And if you think information, you must think data. Data is now driving everything and we’re thinking about research-based data.

“But what is important is for the right people who are involved in development to have the right kind of data and understand that data to be able to formulate policies that will be implemented for the development of our society,” he said.

Dr. Fosu added that journalists, who are the main sources of information, should get the right training so that they do no confuse their audiences while trying to inform them.

“So, we know journalists are the key providers of the big chunk of the information that we need for the society to develop, for the society to grow.

So, the idea behind this partnership is to build capacities – the capacities of journalists for them to understand data, for them to be able to interpret data well, and above all, to be able to communicate data information in a language that is user-friendly to those who matter, particularly in policy and other sectors of our society,” he added.

The partnership aims also to build the capacities of other interested parties to efficiently interpret and report statistical information understandably to various audiences.


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