Police discover victim’s intestines in cocoa farm


General News of Wednesday, 25 August 2021

Source: starrfm.com.gh


Richard Appiah is alleged to have murdered some teenagers at AbesimRichard Appiah is alleged to have murdered some teenagers at Abesim

The Criminal Investigation Department (CID) team investigating the Abesim murder case has discovered where suspect Richard Appiah buried the intestines of one of the murder victims.

According to a report from the police, the intestines were buried in a cocoa farm at Abesim.

The Police have since exhumed the intestines for pathological analysis and forensic examination in Accra.

The investigation team also worked around a septic tank and other places of concern for further examinations. Two sharp cutlasses with bloodstains used by the suspect to commit the crime were retrieved from the scene.

“The intestines were buried in a cocoa farm at Abesim which the police have since exhumed for pathological analysis and forensic examination in Accra. The investigation team has also worked around a septic tank and other places of concern for former investigations,” Part of the police statement read.

Read the full statement beelow


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