Lady mistakenly sends her nvde video to church group, begs members to delete it from their phones » ™


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A lady is in quite a quagmire after she mistakenly sent an unprescribed video to her church’s WhatsApp group.

She has since begged the members of the group to delete the video since it was not meant for the ‘Holy’ group.

Well, when the video hit the group, it was a surprise to the members since they could not believe that one of their own has been feasting on pornographic materials.

Many could not understand how she had such an unholy material on her phone in the first place since she was a Christian who should be virtuous in all her doings.

Well, she came back immediately to apologize and appeal to the conscience of the group and its members to have the video deleted from their phones.

She wrote:

Good evening everyone, sorry if you’re seeing something like this. The person’s phone is at fault and mistakenly sent it here. As we are talking now, the person does not have access to the phone not to talk of WhatsApp or deleting it.

But the harm had been done already. Whether the members will have the video deleted or not remains a mystery.

Check Out the Screenshots Below:


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