NCCE calls for peaceful co-existence


Attendees of the Youth Activists’ Workshop in a photoAttendees of the Youth Activists’ Workshop in a photo

Mr. Kenneth Karikari, the Krachi-West District Director of the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE), has called on Ghanaians to peacefully co-exist.

He explained that peace and tolerance were key ingredients of democracy and their absence would cause the country more harm than good. “Live and let live” should be adopted to ensure peaceful co-existence among all.

Mr. Karikari made this call at Kete-Krachi in the Oti Region during a Youth Activists’ Workshop organized by NCCE with support from the Ministry of National Security on the theme “Empowering Ghanaians to Stand for National cohesion and inclusive participation.”

Mr. Karikari, who spoke on the topic: “National Cohesion and Peaceful Co-Existence as important aspects of National Development”, said violent extremism and terrorism have evolved into serious threats to international peace and security, with debilitating consequences for human security, national stability, and development and seek to undermine the sovereignty of states.

He said the recent reports of armed robberies, Western Togoland secessionists, communal clashes between a section of the security agencies and civilians as well as kidnappings, ritual murders, and violent activities’ of hostage-takers along with the coastal areas of the Gulf of Guinea, are a worry to the good citizens of Ghana.

He advised the youth to be patriotic, sincere, honest, just and fair, loyal to Ghana, and work hard since these were positive values and good characters for national development.

Mr. John Dey, the Krachi-West National Intelligence Bureau (NIB) Officer admonished the youth to stay clear of violent-related acts as the laws would deal with them when caught.

Mr. Dey, who spoke on the topic: “National Security Strategy and the National Framework for Countering Violent Extremism and Terrorism in Ghana; identified the animosity between Krachis and a section of the Muslim community, the existence of rival Muslim chiefs and their respective supporters, the seemingly disquiet among the Kokombas over land usage, the Fulani herdsmen menace and the constant conflict with farmers and fisherfolks over lack of premix fuel as dreadful situations in the Krachi-West District.

He said acts could degenerate into violent extremism or become fertile grounds for external extremist groups, so must stop.

Mr. Dey said according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Geneva Center for Security Policy (GCSP) Violent Extremism is defined as “encouraging, condoning, justifying or supporting the commission of a violent act to achieve a political, ideological, religious, social or economic goal.”

He mentioned socio-economic issues, discrimination, marginalization, poor governance, human rights violations, and the remnant of violent conflict, collective grievances, and other psychological factors as the root causes and drivers of violent extremism.

He advised participants to be vigilant as violent extremism starts from home.

Mr. Dey said public awareness creation and strengthening cooperation between and among religious sects would help prevent inter and intrafaith radicalization emanating from doctrinal and interpretational differences.

DSP Samuel Kwabena Nkrumah, the Krachi-West Police Commander, cautioned the populace to avoid all forms of violence if not the long arm of the law would deal with them.

He said they would not tolerate any act of hooliganism, wanton destroying of public property, fundamentalism, among others.

DPS Nkrumah, who did a presentation on Grievances Handling procedures: Public Order Act, I994 (Act, 491), Vigilantism and Related offenses Act, 2019 (Act 999) and ADR Mechanisms mentioned eight steps in handling grievance as acknowledge dissatisfaction, define the problem, identify and collect the facts, carryout analyze and decide, timely action, taking a decision, implementing the decision and follow-up action as steps grievance handling procedures.

The NCCE with support from the Ministry of National Security is currently organizing workshops in selected districts in the country to educate the youth in those districts where the activities of the secessionist groups are rife and equip them with the basic knowledge on the regulations and skills on non-violence to enable them to participate both effectively and ethically in nation-building. The youth leaders trained will be expected to impart knowledge gained to their peers.


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