Reverend Owusu Bempah commissions borehole for Aboabo community


Reverend Owusu Bempah cutting the ribbon to officially commission the projectReverend Owusu Bempah cutting the ribbon to officially commission the project

“These two communities, Aboabo 1 and 2 were established over 200 years ago and we’ve never had safe and portable source of drinking. For decades we had to make use water from a stream here. We’ve dug a big hole at the end of a stream that collects water for community use. We are grateful to ‘Nyameama Apostle Dr Owusu Bempah for coming to our aid after hearing our cry on radio.”

These were the words of the chief of Aboabo 1 and 2 when Reverend Owusu Bempah and his entourage visited the community to commission a mechanized borehole for the people of the two communities.

Like almost every member of his communities, Nana Tetteh Gyarney was grateful to the man of God for what he believes to be a cure for the community’s biggest headache.

He revealed that traditional and political leaders in the communities have for decades made appeals to the Akuapem North Municipal Assembly and various Members of Parliament for the area but none has been able to address their biggest concern.

To him, the arrival of the borehole which was wholly funded by Reverend Owusu Bempah is an answer to the prayers of members of the communities.

“We cannot be grateful enough to Nyameama Owusu Bempah for doing this for us. Our MCE is here and he can attest to the fact that we have written so many letters to the assembly seeking help but so far nothing has come. We strongly believe that God has used his son to answer our pray,” Nana Gyarney added.

Revealing the reason for his philanthropic works, Reverend Isaac Owusu Bempah disclosed that if forms part of his birthday celebration, during which period he has made a pledge to undertake one developmental project each year.

On why he picked Aboabo, Reverend Owusu Bempah said a news item on UTV highlighting the situation in the community caught his attention and that after seeing the story he made moves and the result of his actions is the borehole which henceforth will serve the community.

“I decided to come here this year to construct the water facility for Aboabo 1 and 2 to help the people of the community. I had never been here until I saw the story on TV and decided that just as I do on my birthday every year, I must help this community.

“I believe that we all have a role to play in this country so if by the grace of God I have the means to help, why not? We must all contribute in our own little ways for the growth of the country. If we do that Ghana will get to where we all want it”, he said.

The Municipal Chief Executive of Akuapem North, Asiedu Larbi said that one of his Assembly’s major problems have been solved by Reverend Owusu Bempah and he is grateful to him.

He applauded the cleric for his role in the Akufo-Addo government as a spiritual figure to the President.

Same sentiments were expressed by the assemblyman of the town who appealed for more support in the areas of electrification and roads.


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