Ghana Association of Houston calls for reopening of consulate


The Ghana Association of Houston has appealed to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to reopen Ghana’s Consulate in Houston.

Visa applicants in the American city are now to visit either the New York or Washington DC consulate websites to apply.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also removed Honorary Consul of Houston, Jack Webb, in May 2021.

In a statement, the association said its Executive Board and the Ghanaian community in Houston have “serious concerns about this development.”

It said, “the decision and its timing have dire implications for the operations of the Ghana Consulate in Houston, economic activities, and the lives of Ghanaians in the Greater Houston area.”

Instead of closing the consulate, the association said, “focus should be on the expansion of the services rendered by the Consulate office to meet the needs of our growing population.”

On the removal of the honorary consul, the association said it was taken by surprise.

“The decision to remove Mr. Webb comes as a surprise and was taken with no warning to or consultations with any of the stakeholders in the Greater Houston area, including the Ghana Association of Houston, the Ghana-Houston Chamber of Commerce, and identifiable Ghanaian groups and associations in Houston.”

“Additionally, the decision does not communicate a transition plan that documents the operational processes upon the exit of the current Honorary Consul. These developments give the Ghanaian community great cause for concern,” the association added.

Moving forward, the association has urged the ministry to “address the lack of dialogue from the Minister’s office with the leadership of the Ghana Association of Houston concerning the needs of the Ghanaian community in Houston, specifically the role or services rendered by the Consulate Office in Houston.”

It also wants “a realistic transition period for Mr. Jack Webb to successfully hand over operations of the Consulate to the newly appointed person.”

Meanwhile, efforts by Citi News to get a response from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration have been futile.


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