Meet world’s most difficult cat


It’s a truth universally acknowledged that a household pet favours the person who feeds them.

That key member of the family will be rewarded with cuddles, leg rubs and general affection more so than other people in the household.

But sometimes, an animal’s desire for food overtakes everything else and causes them to forget their manners.

That’s what one family has experienced with their ginger Tom cat, Trekkie, who is absolutely obsessed with food.

In a hilarious video posted on The Dodo, Trekkie is filmed going to extreme lengths to get his fix of cat biscuits, meat, milk – or whatever his owners, Greg and Kayla are cooking.

Kayla confirms there’s no medical reason for Trekkie’s obsession with food – he’s just incredibly greedy.

In one clip, Trekkie is spotted sitting on the top of the fridge, overlooking his owners cooking on the stove.

Kayla says: “It’s just his personality.”

Other clips show Trekkie jumping up to sink his teeth into boxes of food and swinging from the boxes by his jaw as he tries to break through the lining.

Cat called Trekkie who is very greedy

Trekkie leaps into the air to try and get his teeth into treats ( Image: Reddit@notjakob69)

Trekkie scales the oven to steal food

He has learned how to scale the oven to get up to the stove ( Image: Reddit@notjakob69)

Kayla also says he’s mastered how to climb above the oven and onto the stove – with one clip showing him snatching food from right under Greg’s nose.

Greg says: “If you try to not give him the food, you’ll bleed.”

Another clip shows Greg holding his plate away as Trekkie climbs up his arm to get a taste of whatever his owner was having for lunch.

Greg and Kayla are so exhausted by Trekkie’s obsession with food that they have a last resort solution – locking him in the bathroom while they eat.

Trekkie climbs on Greg's arm to get food

Greg and Kayla describe him as “the world’s most difficult cat” ( Image: Reddit@notjakob69)

But even when they try to lock him away, the cunning cat has mastered how to open doors, so they have to wedge the bathroom door shut.

Kayla described his antics as a “game, it’s a challenge for him.” She added: “He’ll watch you and wait for his moment… He’ll wait ’til your guard is just the slightest bit down and then he just strikes like a viper.”

Other tactics Trekkie uses in his endless pursuit of food are shoving his head into tubs of cat biscuits – sometimes getting completely stuck.

He’s also been caught hanging out of the rubbish bags after diving in to get a taste of Greg and Kayla’s leftovers.


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