Afia Schwar exposes Rev Obofour on how he rents luxury cars, pays bloggers to report about it » ™


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Afia Schwarzenegger has exposed the fake lifestyle of Rev Obofour which puts him in the spotlight as a wealthy man of God.

According to Afia Schwar, Rev. Obofour’s posture as a millionaire pastor are all lies and deceit

Rev. Obofour over the year has built a reputation of being filthy rich with loads of luxurious cars at his home as he also gifts cash and huge sums of monies to celebrities and veteran actors.

The socialite in a liv IG video has dented the reputation of Rev Obofour causing people to raise doubt about the riches of the founder of the Anointed Palace Chapel.

Afia Schwarzenegger in the video posited that most of the cars Rev. Obofour has been flaunting over the years aren’t his own cars.

She says the man of God occasionally rent these cars from a luxury car dealer, park them in his garage and pay bloggers to cover in their blogs that ‘these are Rev. Obofour’s fleets of cars’.

Video below;

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