It’s true people get killed in Kuwait but not all the stories are true


Doreen served in many houses in Kuwait as a maidplay videoDoreen served in many houses in Kuwait as a maid

A young lady who once served as a maid in several homes in Kuwait has explained that the harsh life of the country and the many bad stories that accompany them are not entirely true, same as they aren’t entirely false either.

Doreen Aboagye, now a US-based Ghanaian citizen, said that there are several of the stories that are made up by people when in actual sense, the situation isn’t as bad as it appears.

“In Kuwait, it is true that sometimes what a person is supposed to earn isn’t what they are given. A number of those stories are true but with the Kuwait experiences, not all are true. There are stories that someone has been killed when in actual sense, no such thing happened,” she explained.

She made this known when she shared her story on GhanaWeb TV’s The Untold.

The young Doreen Aboagye spoke about some of the harshest realities that hit her and how a never-expected turn of events landed her in the United States of America.

The young businesswoman describes how she had to deal with the sudden and painful death of her mother, especially at a time when she was still so young.

The day her mom died, she believed her entire world had been shattered.

“I rushed to go see for myself and true to his words, there was my mom, in so much pain. I started crying and that drew the attention of a lot of people, as they made arrangements for a car from the roadside to come convey her to the hospital.

“By the time the car arrived, my mom ceased crying; she was gone. Getting to the hospital – which was outside our town, the doctor confirmed that she had died a while back. I was by then standing by the roadside when I saw one of my uncles we call ‘Back to Sender’, drove by in his car, with my mother in the back, as he honked through the town. One of the women with them threw my mother’s cloth and me and so I asked where she was. That was when she told me my mother had died,” she narrated to Etsey Atisu.

However, while still roaming the streets of Kuwait in her later life, she would receive a news – an unexpected one, that will completely change her life forever.

Watch the full interview below:


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