Gasmilla commemorates 10th anniversary with beyond the music campaign


Ghanaian afro-pop singer, songwriter and sound maker, Gasmilia is set to celebrate the 10th anniversary of his music career with a clean-up campaign dubbed ‘Beyond the music’.

According to a press statement released by the musician, the campaign is to encourage a clean culture within Ga communities.

“The outcome of this clean-up is to encourage community leaders and the youth to police each other in adhering to keeping the community clean.

“The public is made aware of the risk an unclean community on their health and how to mitigate the risk when they visit these communities. Reduce the spread of diseases including COVID-19, Cholera, Malaria, among others by creating awareness of adhering to general cleanliness protocols and consequences of not adhering to these protocols,” the statement read.

The campaign will see Gasmila and his team clean a minimum of seven {7 } Ga communities in the hope of instilling a cleaning culture in those communities from August 2021 and beyond.

The campaign is set to begin from August 15th, 2021, through to September 26th, 2021, Gasmilla and his Team in partnership with AMA, GA Traditional Council, Zoomlion, Ghandour Kleanz with the support from UNDP as well as all who believe in the culture of cleanliness are coming to clean the Ga communities, starting from this Ga Festive period (Homowo).

The Beyond the clean-up campaign was born out of the yearly Homowo Beach Clean-Up that it dawned on the astute musician that more can be done to keep Ga beaches and communities clean.

“After executing the yearly Homowo Beach Clean Up, Camilla realized that the pollution was primarily caused by the rubbish from the drainage systems in the town as opposed to visitors of the beach. The outcome of this clean-up is to encourage community leaders and the youth to police each other in adhering to keeping the community clean. The public is made aware of the risk an unclean community on their health and how to mitigate the risk when they visit these communities,” the statement said.

The musician also hopes to establish the community clean-up exercise as an annual festival.

“Community cleaning becomes a Festival. Children learn about Ga history, Ga Culture, how to contribute to society on top of what Homowo Stands for in the Ga community. Connecting the community with their community influencers to inspire and empower the Youth.”

Gasmilla affectionately called ‘Son of the soil’ wants the 10th anniversary of his music career to impact society.


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