Nana Frema Busia: Of salaried wives and the presidency!


Nana Frema Busia

Dear God
Ghana is in a fistfight
The President and his Vice want to pay their wives
with Ghana as their tithe
to show their might is right
Are they husbands of straw? How raw?
Would this not be outright theft

To increase the national debt
And cause varied strikes
And more youthful deaths
By disguised Police and soldiers without depth
who errs for their crest?

Konkron Nyame a wo kron
you know ‘biribiara’ that causes national pain
Are Committees fed on cocaine?
To support those who reign?
Is Governance for private gain?
And conspicuous disdain?
Please Help Parliament again
To sanity Regain.


The writer is the daughter of the late Dr Kofi Abrefa Busia, Prime Minister of the Second Republic.


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