Ayisha Modi Replies Afia Schwarzenegger After Cursing Her


Socialite Ayisha Modi has replied to Afia Schwarzenegger following her curse after claiming she adopted her daughter to blackmail people for money.

Afia Schwarzenegger rained curses on Ayisha Modi for saying that about her daughter and replying to that Ayisha Modi has claimed she has audios to prove that she has been begging for money and even asked someone to plead with her.

According to Ayisha Modi, Afia Schwarzenegger is going to die from her own curses because the money she called someone to come and beg her for because she’s shy came from the same Rev. Obofour whom she’s insulting today.

Ayisha Modi as usual added that she kept the appreciation audio Afia Schwarzenegger sent to thank them after they gave her the money and she has others to prove that she indeed called on someone to come and beg her for money.

READ ALSO: Afia Schwarzenegger Curses Ayisha Modi For Claiming She Uses Her Daughter Pena To Blackmail People

Ayisha Modi then called on the person who acted as an intermediary for her and Afia Schwarzenegger to come out and tell the world that she never asked him to beg anyone for money from her because she was shy.

Ayisha Modi then advised Afia Schwarzenegger to seek help because it appears she’s very sick and needs serious help and that all her curses will come back to her because she never lied about what she said about her.

screenshot below;

Source: www.GHgossip.com


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