These are Africa’s most searched for countries, according to The African Passport


CAPE TOWN, August 10 (ANA) – Ever wonder what the most googled African countries are in other African nations?

Well, according to the ‘The African Passport’ on Twitter, these are the most googled African countries in other Africa countries.

According to the infographic map, most countries in the SADC Southern African Development Community have been googling South Africa.

This isn’t really a surprise, as there’s always so much happening in South Africa, quite frankly, there is never a dull moment in the rainbow nation.

From political scandals to loadshedding and celebrating sporting heroes, or just on how ordinary South African’s manage to find humour through their difficulties on social media platforms, South Africa is of interest to many.

In South Africa, according to the map, the African country that South African’s are searching the most is their neighbour, Zimbabwe.

There is a large number of Zimbabweans living in South Africa, which could mean that Zimbabweans are keeping tabs of developments in their country.

In East Africa, Kenya seems to be the most Googled country in that region, with South Africa also making an impression on East Africans.

Nigeria’s internet users also seem to be interested in what’s happening in South Africa, with the majority of searches in Nigeria focused on South Africa.

In Northern Africa, Algerians are very much interested in what’s happening in Morocco, while Egypt dominates the majority of internet views in Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Sudan and Chad.

Google search activity in Central and West Africa seems to be mainly focused on Nigeria. The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Niger, Central African Republic (CAR), Cameroon, Benin, Ghana, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea and The Gambia are all googling the happenings in Nigeria.

Google searches in other parts of West Africa are dominated by the likes of Senegal and Ghana.

– African News Agency (ANA); Editing by Naomi Mackay


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