New Bylaws to control ‘aboboyas’ movement in Greater Accra


Greater Accra Regional Minister, Henry Quartey

The Greater Accra Regional Minister, Henry Quartey, will launch new by-laws on the 24th of August at the Rawling Park in Accra.

Among other things, the bylaws will allow ‘aboboyas’ and Motor riders to operate within attachment areas in the Greater Accra Region.

The Minister defined these attachment areas as municipal or districts, adding that they are to register with DVLA and also register with their respective assemblies i.e., Metropolitan/ Municipal/ district Assemblies to be given the business operating permits.

He explained that they are not banning ‘Aboboyas’ from Operating in Greater Accra, but that they are only banning them from using the Principal Streets and Highways in the Greater Accra Region.

According to the minister, the bylaws will also see to it that waste management companies ensure that there are enough sites in all 29 assemblies for ‘aboboayas’ to dump their rubbish.

He said the assemblies will be tasked to educate people as well to ensure that Accra becomes the cleanest city for all.

By Annie Wharton Savage


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