NPP Is Champion For Social Interventions Says John Boadu


 John Boadu

General Secretary of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), John Boadu, has indicated that the party has no match when it comes to the implementation of social intervention programmes aimed at enhancing the lives of less privileged Ghanaians.

According to him, despite the party’s centre right ideology, it has implemented more social intervention programmes than any other political party, including the National Democratic Congress (NDC) which touts itself as social democrats.


Kufuor Efforts

Citing examples, he said when President John Agyekum Kufuor was in office he was able to establish National Health Insurance, the Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty (LEAP), Capitation Grant and the Ghana School Feeding Programme, and National Youth Employment Programme (NYEP) among others.

Reflecting on the NPP’s 29th anniversary celebration, Mr. Boadu said President Akufo-Addo has continued with the tradition by introducing “Free Senior High School, One Constituency One Ambulance (1C1A), One District One Factory, drone delivery service for medical supplies, restoration of Teacher and Nursing Training Allowances, introduction of allowances for Arabic and Islamic Instructors under the National Volunteer Service Programme and the absorption of examination registration fees for BECE and WASSCE candidates.”


Rich Tradition

He said the NPP is rooted in rich tradition and strong principles and values which were relevant in the pre-independence era, relevant during the times of independence and its aftermath, and even more relevant today and forever.

“The fact that we are the only political tradition in the country that have survived all Republics in pre and post-independence Ghana including the most cancerous dictatorial regimes and have stood the test of time, can only be a vindication of the richness and greatness of our political tradition. A tradition that was not built around individuals but strong principles and values.”

He said the longer the NPP manages Ghana, “the more social interventions like free education and improved healthcare, the more the private sector will expand with jobs for the youth.”

He also stated that the party was proud of the role its forerunners, founders, members, sympathisers and adherents played in contributing to enhancing the rule of law and expanding the ambit of freedoms of speech, association, movement and non-discrimination by virtue of status, gender, religion and ethnic background.


Electoral Reforms

Mr. Boadu also indicated the NPP since 1992, has been the champion of electoral reforms, spearheading the transition from opaque ballot boxes to transparent boxes, the transition from ‘black and white’ voter ID cards to coloured ID cards with pictures and the quantum leap from a manual voters register to a biometric register and photo ID Cards for all voters.

All these initiatives, he said, were vehemently opposed by the NDC.

He noted that major benchmark set by President Akufo-Addo, are the full financing without recourse to foreign aid of the 2020 elections, and the introduction of political dialogue towards eliminating political violence and vigilantism.

Economic Gains

“In terms of the economy, every policy of the NPP in Government is designed to benefit as many Ghanaians as possible. The NPP Government of President Kufuor transformed the economy into Lower Middle Income status, found oil and gas in commercial quantities, restored and expanded cocoa production and expanded the financial sector,” he pointed out.

He said the Akufo-Addo government has successfully “rolled out some integrated initiatives towards agro-industry, which include One District One Factory (1D1F), One District One Warehouse (1D1W), One Village One Dam (1V1D) and Planting for Food and Jobs (PFJ).  Heavy investments in the cocoa sector have resulted in the highest ever cocoa crop in Ghana in excess of a million tonnes in the 2021 crop season. President Akufo-Addo has also championed a novel premium for cocoa farmers called the Living Income Differential (LID), which pays farmers a substantial premium over and above subsisting world prices.”


Corruption Fight
In terms of fighting corruption, he said “President Akufo-Addo has also established the Office of the Special Prosecutor, with unprecedented independent powers to initiate investigations and prosecute corruption. He has also ensured that after pending in Parliament for over twenty years, Right to Information legislation has been passed, with an independent implementing Commission. A new Companies Act and Land Act have also been passed to ease bottlenecks in the private sector.”

Mr. Boadu further indicated that free speech has expanded tremendously leading to Google and Twitter setting up corporate offices in Ghana to serve Africa.

He added that the party will soon launch the ‘NPP Institute’ which will enable members to benefit from lessons in our political history, understanding our ideology, policy analysis, communications, research and other related political issues.

BY Gibril Abdul Razak


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