If You Plan On Getting Married And Having Kids, Avoid Dating Women Who Depend You For Basic Needs


Multiple Award winning Ghanaian film maker, Leila Djansi has dished out a piece of advice to men who are planning on getting married in the future.

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According to her in a Facebook post, it’s about time men stop chasing women who can’t provide their basic needs like food, clothes, sanitary towels, airtime among others.

According to him, such women are a liability and they won’t help the man prepare for the future.

She wrote in a long Facebook post: If you and your intended are not financially set, with savings, joint accounts, and investments, please do NOT get married or have children! I am so heartbroken seeing so much need on social media this morning!

Men, men, draw ya ears: BREAK up post haste with any lady you’re dating now who needs funds from you for her basic needs and phone bills. This is NOT a woman who can partner with you in marriage. Marry someone whose earning can complement yours. Not one that will not make a significant difference, and that’s why a spouse is also referred to as a significant other. Stop chasing the flimsy wife material and find you a nice strong blanket.

If you’re planning to enter a marriage and have kids,
Please, please, PLAN and include any eventualities cos shit happens. Give those kids the comfortable life you either had or did desired. Pay it forward.

I don’t care how much God is in control. God ALLOWS shit to happen, so you better be prepared like the ten wise virgins!

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