From sack to Jail – More fire as Ghanaians insist on prosecution of health minister


Under fire Health Minister, Kwaku Agyeman-ManuUnder fire Health Minister, Kwaku Agyeman-Manu

For 48 hours in a row, Health Minister Kwaku Agyeman-Manu has been the topic of discussion on social media.

Despite all the happenings in the country, the embattled minister has been maintained in the top trends especially on microblogging site, Twitter.

His indulgence in the procurement contract of the Sputnik V vaccine has come under scrutiny following his failure to adhere to the right procedure.

Findings of the Parliamentary Committee set up to probe the contract included the breaching of constitutional provisions for the House’s approval as well as the Public Procurement Act.

With several stakeholders and parliamentary members calling for his exit, many others have begun mounting pressure for the health minister to be prosecuted.

#AgyemanManuMustGoToJail has topped the trends on Twitter with several Ghanaians insisting that the health minister should not just be made to vacate his position, but also tried in court.

Meanwhile, in a recent development, Mr Kwaku Agyeman-Manu has been asked to proceed on a two-week leave to attend to personal issues.

“On the 6th of April, long before the minister appeared before the Committee where he said he didn’t know about any payment, the BoG had copied him this letter establishing an LC for payment.

He lied under oath and #AgyemanManuMustGo,” a user wrote.

Another stated that, “I wonder when Ghanaian youth that have crossed the line of party supporters to party slaves will learn to know that deals or contracts like this can’t be made without an approval from the presidency.

Politicians in this country have no shame.


Here are more tweets demanding the health minister to be prosecuted:


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