Clemento Suarez Says Abena Korkor Should Be Celebrated And Loved For Being Brave To Stand For People Despite Her Situation » ™


Popular Ghanaian actor cum comedian, Clemento Suarez has called on people to applaud media personality, Abena Korkor for being able to stand for people despite her situation and needs to be celebrated.

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Abena Korkor who is widely known for battling mental disorder as she has been diagnosed with Bipolar who often get relapse to reveal some sensitive Issues.

The comedian claims that for these reasons she should be shown love and celebrated as a lot has gone on in her life over the years.

Clemento Suarez emphasized that despite all the trials and tribulations she’s been able to stand firm and for how strong, intelligent, and warm she is people need to show her love to be strong as the days go by.

According to him, she stands as a testimony for many victims, and for the sake of his braveness and being able to stand all that has come to her ways then she deserves to be celebrated.

He took to his Instagram page and wrote a lengthy post to celebrate the media personality as he called on others to do the same.

He wrote, “This is @missabenakorkor , one special human being we have in Ghana. Such a beautiful soul and wonderful presence. She takes her mental health seriously and you should do so as well.
She is strong,intelligent,talented and very warm.
A lot has gone on these past few years but our love and support will keep her going as she grows stronger and better. Personally i think she should be celebrated for her bravery . Through it all she stands tall and this is remarkably worthy of emulation.

She stands for that young girl who has no voice,that one who has a voice but not too bold to speak up, that one who spoke up and was later stigmatised,the one that stigmatization made her crawl into her shell, the one who is going through all and needs an example to look up to.

She is a radio and tv presenter, actress and with her 200k followers ,does advertisement for your products.

Abenaaa!! Papaa wo nim s3 mab) wo ho ka.

Make me and who love you proud

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