Viral video of Ghanaian nurses being taught how to master and practise d0ggy style in the classroom » ™


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A viral video on social media gives an account of Ghanaian nurses being taught how to practise and master doggy style in the classroom.

These nurses are being introduced to the other aspects of sexual education where they are made to understand the various sexual positions and how they can replicate them.

The video reveals a set of nurses being taught how to bend and position their bums to make the doggy style more pleasurable and effortless.

This piece of somewhat educative video has caused a stir on social media with many raising concerns over the qualify of education these nurses get before they are enrolled into the health sector to take care of patients.

Many believe the education nurses receive in the country must be revised so these individuals are taken through the rudimentary of health care in order for them to be as professional as they could.

No wonder most nurses are in the bad books of Ghanaians considering how lackadaisical they are about their duties and the quantum of time they waste away on social media.

Check Out Video Below:

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