Resumption of Accra-Tema railway service to begin by end of August – Peter Amewu


Business News of Monday, 9 August 2021



The railway line is expected t commence shuttle service by the end of August 2021The railway line is expected t commence shuttle service by the end of August 2021

•The Accra-Tema railway service is expected to resume by the end of August

•The rail-line has had to go through some concrete drain works along a route at Avenor

•The resumption of the shuttle service is expected to reduce travel time and traffic congestion

Railways Development Minister, John Peter Amewu has disclosed the resumption of shuttle services on the Accra-Tema rail line.

The service is expected to resume by the end of August 2021 after the completion of concrete drain across the railway track.

Providing an update before Parliament last week, the Railway Minister revealed the top slab on the concrete drain along the route at Avenor had been completed with a curing period beginning.

“After the completion of the construction, the approaches of the culvert will be filled and the tracks will be laid back to allow for test runs and certification by the Ghana Railway Development Authority before the commencement of shuttle services,” Amewu told lawmakers.

The rehabilitated Accra-Tema railway system is expected to reduce travel time significantly.

It is estimated that many passengers will be recorded annually as they use the train service, which will in turn help reduce traffic congestion, accidents and pollution.


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