Hezbollah claims responsibility for firing rockets into Israel


Aug. 7 (UPI) — Hezbollah, the Iran-backed Lebanese militant group, has claimed responsibility for firing 19 rockets into Israel, prompting retaliation by Israeli forces.

The group launched some 19 rockets into open areas in northern Israel’s Golan Heights on Friday, Israel Defense Forces said. A military official said three of the rockets fell into Lebanon and the Iron Dome intercepted 10 others. Six landed in open areas in Israel.

Israel reported no casualties associated with the attack.

In retaliation, the IDF said it struck rocket launch sites within Lebanon.

“We will not let attacks on Israeli civilians go unanswered,” the IDF said in a tweet.

The IDF accused Hezbollah of using civilians areas of Lebanon from which to fire the rockets.

“For Hezbollah, the men, women & children of Lebanon are nothing more than human shields for its terrorist operations,” the IDF said. “The people of Lebanon deserve better.”

The Coalition of Palestinian Forces in Lebanon praised Hezbollah for “targeting Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories in response to the aggression that targeted Lebanese territories on Thursday,” according to a statement published by The Jerusalem Post.


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