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DURBAN – The EFF march in Phoenix township in the North of Durban on Thursday turned rowdy and violent.
As a result, at least two buildings were stoned by angry marchers after some residents of the township stood on balconies to watch the march passing by Phoenix highway on their way to Phoenix Police Station to deliver their memorandum.
EFF leaders had to scramble to contain the situation as the police, feared an escalation of the tension.
About 6000 protesters took part in the march to protest the killing of 36 people by vigilante groups during the recent unrest in the country.
All was well and in order when the march started at Phoenix Park and proceeded within the Phoenix industrial park.
Along the Phoenix highway the protesters chanted struggle songs and made their anger over the killing of 36 people by Phoenix vigilante groups known through their heated songs.
Just before the marchers could reach the Phoenix plaza, they were irked by a group of bystanders watching their procession from a double storey building housing a printing shop and some other small businesses.
The marchers started by voicing their displeasure at being watched by the group of about 10 people by howling at them and signaled for them to leave. When the group did nor leave, some of the protesters started throwing stones at the building and the watching group had to run for shelter.
At least 10 stones were thrown at the building and one stone hit an outside light in the building. When that happened the SAPS officers who had formed a human shield near the building scrambled for cover.
It was the timely intervention of KZN EFF leader Vusi Khoza and former EFF MPL in the KZN legislature, Vukani Ndlovu that saved the situation. Both leaders of the party, together with marshalls contained the situation.
Just when the situation had been contained,two Indian women emerged from the balcony of the building housing a local community newspaper. Just like their neighbours, they were howled at and told to leave.
Shortly after, a hail of stones were hurled at the glass building and the ladies ran for cover.
Noticeably, after the incident, SANDF personnel started showing up at the march. Some were seen guarding the businesses around the area while an army and SAPS chopper hovered over the marchers.
Political Bureau