TB Joshua Did Not Die Because He Criticized The Building Of National Cathedral, Stop The ‘Foolishness’


Ace musician cum political activist, Kwame Asare Obeng, popularly known as A Plus has launched an attack on Eagle Prophet, the founder of God’s Crowns Chapel over his recent assertion.

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We earlier published about Eagle Prophet’s claim that anyhow who will criticize the building of National Cathedral will die a miserable death.

This has triggered A Plus to unleashed an attack on him stating that he’s a ‘Foolish’ man adding that everyone will eventually die hence he should stop fooling.

According to him, no one will live on earth forever stating that it’s untenable for him to death threats to seek one’s silence who’s against the building of the National Cathedral.

He wrote, Foolish man!!! If | die you live forever? Did TB Joshua die because he criticised the nationalCathedral? Everybody will do! Stop fooling!!!”

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