General News of Wednesday, 4 August 2021
Logo of Forestry Commission
The Ghana Forestry Commission Department of wildlife has shut down forest reserves in Ghana to help protect and increase the rate of wild animals in our forest reserves.
Speaking on Nyankonton Mu Nsem on Rainbow Radio 87.5Fm, Mrs. Ernestina Adumia Anni of the Wild Life Division emphasized that the Forestry Commission is enforcing the laws to protect the forest reserve in Ghana.
” The Forest reserve has been shut down from August 1 to December 1, 2021. The law insists that no hunter should go to the forest in search of wild animals or any animal in the forest as long as the band is active,” she said.
She added that the Wild Life Conservation Regulation law forbids hunters to hunt any wildlife.
The Wild Life Conservation Regulation LI 685 in the wildlife vision regulation of the forestry commission forbids hunters not to harm or capture any Wild Life in the forest reserve.
“No person shall capture, harm, or destroy any wildlife except grasscutter. With this, such person needs a license before the fellow can harm this animal,” she added.
She stated that wild animals in our forest reserve help enrich the nature of the land that helps the growth and richness of the forest reserve.
“Wild animals in our forest reserves have been with us for a long period. Even our ancestors practised this during their age to reserve the animals for the future generation. These animals also serve as tourist sites for indigenous and foreigners,” she stated.
Mrs. Ernestina also stated that Ghanaians should observe, and learn much about wild animals since that can help us.
“In that sense, we should all observe the close season to help increase the wildlife,” she stated.