Hundreds send in nominations for GhanaWeb Excellence Awards


Nominations are unlimited and they open from today and end on August 31, 2021.Nominations are unlimited and they open from today and end on August 31, 2021.

A month after nominations for the GhanaWeb Excellence Awards were opened, organisers of the people’s choice awards scheme have received close to three hundred nominations for various categories.

Launched on July 1, 2021, the GhanaWeb Excellence Awards seeks to offer GhanaWeb audiences and the general public the opportunity to recognise outstanding Ghanaians who have helped in the development of the country.

This is the first-ever audience-powered award scheme organised by an online media platform in Ghana to celebrate role models and future leaders who would inspire Ghanaian communities and make the country a better place to live in.

“The nominations we have received is far above our expectation for the maiden edition of GhanaWeb Excellence Awards. But should we be surprised? I do not think so. We have the largest audience and since this is an audience-based awards, we are indeed excited about the resplendent participation. A board will look at all these nominations and choose the best 5 for each category. This is definitely going to be an awesome awards event,” says Ekow Blankson, Commercial Manager of Advertiser & Publisher Solutions (ADPU) Ghana Ltd, Managers of AfricaWeb’s subsidiaries.

In all, there are 17 categories open for competition with one more being honorary.

The categories include the GhanaWeb Humanitarian Award, which will recognize a Ghanaian who has been exemplary in promoting human welfare by helping the needy and underprivileged people in Ghana without discrimination.

Others are the GhanaWeb Women Empowerment Award, the GhanaWeb Media Development Award, the GhanaWeb Creative Arts Excellence Award, the GhanaWeb Peace & Diplomacy Award, the GhanaWeb Business Development Award, the GhanaWeb Youth Empowerment Award, the GhanaWeb Leadership Excellence Award, and the GhanaWeb Tech & Innovation Award.

The rest are the GhanaWeb Culture Promoter Award, the GhanaWeb Influential Man Award, the GhanaWeb Influential Woman Award, the GhanaWeb Advocate of Good Governance Award, the GhanaWeb Discovery Award, the GhanaWeb Star Award, the GhanaWeb Social Media Personality Award, the GhanaWeb Influential Blogger Award, and the GhanaWeb Business Giant Award.

Nominations are unlimited and would be closed on August 31, 2021.

The public can nominate via three channels, where forms have been uploaded randomly;; and email, [email protected].

Voting will commence after shortlisting in September and end in December when the main event would take place.


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