Golden Arrow bus driver struck by stray bullet in his ankle


By Sisonke Mlamla Time of article publishedJul 30, 2021

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Cape Town -A Golden Arrow bus driver was hit in the ankle by one of the bullets fired at a minibus taxi at the Borcherds Quarry drive this morning.

Golden Arrow Bus Service (Gabs) spokesperson Bronwen Dyke-Beyer confirmed that one of its drivers was shot in the ankle on the N2 before airport approach road this morning.

Dyke-Beyer said initial reports and witnesses indicated that multiple shots were fired it at a minibus taxi.

“As this was happening, our driver drove past and was struck by the stray bullet. Our driver was taken to hospital where he was treated for a superficial skin wound,” she said.

Dyke-Beyer said all necessary services were on the scene to attend to the driver and the taxi occupants.

She said increased police and law enforcement visibility in the area was requested.

Police spokesperson FC Van Wyk said Nyanga police had opened an attempted murder case.

’The unknown suspect/s fled the scene and is yet to be arrested,” he said.

Anyone with information about the shooting is requested to contact Crime Stop at 08600 10111.

The incident happened at the same spot where a Gabs driver was shot in the mouth on July 19, allegedly by taxi operators.

It happened at the time when the alliance partners – ANC, Cosatu, Sanco and the SACP – were holding a briefing on the taxi-related impasse that gripped Cape Town and surrounding areas.


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