Top cop rejects being part of ploy to oust Nxasana as NPA head


By Kailene Pillay Time of article publishedJul 29, 2021

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KwaZulu-Natal top cop Colonel Welcome Sithembiso Mhlongo, who took the stand via virtual proceedings of the state capture commission on Thursday, has rejected a former colleague’s affidavit that claimed he was part of a plot to oust former National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) boss Mxolisi Nxasana.

Mhlongo was previously implicated by Nxasana, KwaZulu-Natal Hawks head Johann Booysen and a former Hawks officer Terence Joubert who claimed he was working under the instruction of former Deputy National Director of Public Prosecutions Nomgcobo Jiba to force Nxasana out of the job so that Jiba could occupy the seat.

Evidence-leader advocate Garth Hulley led evidence from Queen Mhlongo’s affidavit – another former colleague who was stationed at the NPA offices and attached to the Asset Forfeiture Unit in Durban.

While Hulley read excerpts from her affidavit for Mhlongo to respond to, he told the commission that while he did have a conversation with her, “it was taken out of context in the affidavit”.

He said that their conversation was “in happy terms” as they celebrated knowing Nxasana’s mother’s maiden name was also Mhlongo like the two of them.

He also told the Commission that Queen Mhlongo’s affidavit was done in a way to support the “untruths” in Joubert’s testimony.

In his testimony, Joubert said he shared an office with Mhlongo and, on one occasion, recorded his conversation on his dictaphone he hid under a newspaper on his desk.

Joubert said that in the conversation, Jiba and Mhlongo were talking about digging up dirt on Nxasana to embarrass him and get him fired.

Mhlongo was also implicated in the Zondo Commission for allegedly tipping off criminals about the directorate’s investigations

In Booysen’s testimony to the Zondo Commission, he alleged that Mhlongo tipped off Durban businessman Thoshan Panday who Mhlongo was tasked with investigating.


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