K’si Int Airport 85% Complete


Picture of the Kumasi International Airport 

CONSTRUCTION WORKS on the Kumasi International Airport has reached 85 per cent, it has been announced.


The Ashanti Regional Minister, Simon Osei Mensah, made the announcement when he toured the construction site on Thursday.


According to the minister, contractors on site informed him that “the construction work is 85 per cent complete now,” and he told them to complete the massive project on schedule.


The inspection tour on Thursday, was to enable the minister to personally assess the progress of work, so far.


He said after the tour that, “I have been informed that the terminal building would be ready latest by the end of this year (2021).”


According to him, after completion of the project, there would be a simulation exercise to test the new facility and the airport would be opened for public use only after a simulation exercise had been done.


The Ashanti Regional Minister lauded the contractors for doing a good job, saying that he was highly impressed.


“I am not a technical person, but after careful study, you can see that indeed a professional work is being done. This is an international airport which would definitely open Kumasi to attract investors and improve transportation,” he added.


FROM I.F. Joe Awuah Jnr., Kumasi


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