Sleeping with men shouldn’t be the only way to secure a job


Tabloid News of Friday, 23 July 2021



Women can engage themselves in other ventures to make moneyWomen can engage themselves in other ventures to make money

Makeup artist, Gifty Afeku has urged women to stop giving away their bodies in exchange for jobs.

According to her, there are several ways women can make money for themselves without sleeping with men.

She told Aj on e.TV Ghana’s Girl Vibes, “You have to be strong and bold, know what you want so these men don’t take advantage of you. Even if you’re in desperate need of the job and you’re offered one on the basis of sleeping with you, respect yourself and walk out”.

She mentioned that, if it means the ladies having to start a trade gradually by themselves in order to make ends meet they should rather than sleep with the men.

Using herself as an example she said, “I’ve sold almost everything before including orange, fish, water, many other. I had to work hard because I was not getting employment and I also had to take care of home so I had to do something for myself”.

She asserted that, white collar jobs is not the only way to make money so, “women should respect themselves enough to be able to walk away from men who disrespect them by wanting to sleep with them to secure a job for themselves”.


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