“Mewuoo mewuoo” – How Ghanaian referee Maxwell Hanson’s test!cles were roughly squeezed by angry BA United fans [Video] » ™


And after referee Hanson awarded a penalty to RTU, fans breached the inner perimeter fence of the park and chased the referee around the pitch until he was eventually overcome and handed heavy slaps before security came to his rescue.

In his report to the GFA, Hanson revealed graphic details of the attack he suffered, with some fans apparently also targeting his testicles.

After I awarded the penalty instantaneously, a number of the spectators believed to be fans
of the home team rushed on me. The first one slapped me. Suddenly, the other spectators
believed to be fans of the home team rushed to my direction and I bolted to the center
circle and with the force with which they came, I had no option than to start running for my
life. At a point, their numbers kept increasing and they chased me all over the field of play
and eventually, I fell. It was there I was severely, brutally and mercilessly beaten. Some
used their fists, others used their legs to kick my ribs and waist and one was in a possession
of a dog chain. It was there about three (3) uniformed police personnel came to my rescue
and pulled me to the technical bench of the away team. Dissatisfied, the irate fans of the
home team followed and continued beating me with blows on my head, some pulling and
squeezing my testicles simultaneously and from there, I could not endure the pain so I
started screaming “mewu oo, mewu oo, mobekume oo”, to wit, “I’d die, I’d die, you’d kill
me”. It was there a number of uniformed police personnel came to my rescue. They were
about eight (8) in number. I then told them I would not be able to continue the match
because of the ordeal I had been through and I had also started experiencing body pains.
Surprisingly, the police officers said they could not guarantee my safety if I do not go on
with the match. My assistants then came to me. Recalling their ordeal, Assistant one (1)
said he was beaten till he fell and Assistant two (2) said he was given several slaps and a
blow to his head, both attacks were from spectators believed to be fans of the home team.
At this juncture, the armed military men who were outside the inner perimeter joined. In our
terrible state, the three (3) of us (myself and the two assistants) decided to discontinue the
match but the police reiterated that our safety would not be guaranteed should the match
be halted. The armed military men also said it would be very difficult for us to leave the
field of play if we do not continue the match. Some spectators believed to be fans of the
home team who found their way into the inner perimeter started chanting war songs and
also said the match must continue. These spectators were still armed with stones, dog
chains, cutlasses, etc. The intensity of the threats and in order to save our lives, we (myself
and 2 assistants) decided to continue with the match. The series of incidents transpired for
about thirty (30) minutes. Instead of restarting the match with a penalty to the away team,
I restarted with a drop ball to avoid attacks from the fans of the home team. This did not go
down well with the supporters believed to be fans of the away team who also retaliated by
throwing objects such as stones, sticks, sachet water and metallic objects onto the field of
play. This also delayed play for about 15 minutes. The head of the military, players and
technical team of the away team then appealed to the spectators believed to be fans of the
away team which they complied and the match was restarted. In the 45th minute, I ended
the first half. Heading to the dressing room after I blew the whistle for the end of the first
(1st) half became almost impossible for us, as the fans of the home team besieged the
entrance to the dressing room so we were held hostage on the field of play. After about 15
minutes of being held hostage by the irate fans, the police and the military officers
approached us (myself and assistants) and asked whether we would not restart the match
and I told them our lives were in danger. They then informed us they had brought in both
police and military reinforcement. I was then experiencing body pains and was bleeding
from cuts on my back whereas the Assistant one (1) complained of severe headache,
swollen head and severe body pains and Assisitant two (2) also had some scratches
around his neck. The medical team then came in to give us (Assistant one (1) and I) first
aid treatment. There, the spectators, believed to be fans of the home team threatened that
if we dared feigned injury and abandoned the match, we would be killed. It was there the
Sunyani District Police Commander arrived at the scene and also asked whether I would
be able to continue the match. I replied in the negative and when he inquired, I told him we
were incapacitated hence our inability to resume the match. Both the military and police
insisted we restart the match because it would be very difficult for them to escort us from
the field. Simultaneously, the spectators of the home team were still chanting, still armed
and still insisting we start the match. this continued to happen whilst still held hostage on
the field of play till darkness began to set in so we (myself, assistants and match
commissioner) called the two (2) captains and told them the match would have to be
postponed to the next day since darkness had set in and also, our lives were in danger but
that was actually a ploy for us (myself, assistants and the match commissioner) to end the
game, hence the match ended abruptly. There was military reinforcement who together
with the police escorted us to the dressing room and while at that, the irate spectators
believed to be fans of the home team kept throwing stones in our direction and towards
the dressing room. One of the stones hit the window of the dressing room but fortunately,
no damage was caused. However, my communication gadget got damaged in the course
of the attack. Also, my cards and recording sheets were lost during the attack and mayhem,
hence, cautions on reckless tackles on opponents and misconducts could not be
incorporated into the report.


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