Moment Ghanaian lady was caught on tape trying to exchange her vajayjay for a smart phone (Audio drops) » ™


A lady has unashamedly offered her ‘thing’ for a smartphone after she was caught on tape conducting a barter trade. 

Per the audio sound bite available to, the young lady called a phone dealer and requested to engage in swapping (swapping is a form of barter trade that involves exchanging a used or old phone for a new or better one).

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The unnamed man who had no idea the ulterior motive the girl had under her sleeves, asked her calmly what phone she’s bringing along for the swapping.

It was at this juncture that the lady said she wants to offer her v@gina for the deal. This new development adds to the growing moral decadence that has engulfed our modern world.

Listen to the recording below;

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